Monday, September 5, 2016

It's September Already

Hello Everyone
Gosh!  I can't believe it!  It's September already, that means Tuesday is the first meeting of the month and that means awards.  I know everyone did good this past month and we'll see who's outstanding.

A brief overview of the past few meetings.

August 16th

Biggest loser was Lana Tahtinen with a loss of 4.6 lbs.  Great Job Lana!
The Runner Up was Ladonna Sampson with a loss of 4.4 lbs.  Great Job Ladonna!
The week before Ladonna asked how to get rid of water retention.  Suggestions were eating asparagus and also drinking parsley tea.  You can find other home remedies here.  So Ladonna ate asparagus twice a week and she said that has helped her.

The program was on eating an apple a day.  Could an apple a day keep the extra pounds away?  According to a recent study in Food Chemistry, yes, because apples contain non-digestible compounds that promote the growth of good bacteria in your gut associated with weight loss.  You can read more here...

Also talked about "What is Sugar Alcohol".
Sugar alcohols are used in the food industry to thicken or sweeten foods without adding calories.  It has many names and contains no alcohol, so exactly what is "Sugar Alcohol?".  You can read about it here...

August 23rd

We have a new member Debby Zawada today.  Welcome Debby!

Biggest Loser this week was Ladonna Sampson with a loss of 3.2 lbs.
The runner up was Frankie, Rachel & Judy each with a loss of 2 lbs.
Great Job Girls!

The contest winners were Team #1 Skinny Girls.  Congratulations!

This meeting we went around the room and everyone shared their short term goals and how they are doing up to now.

This Week's Recipe:  Cheeseburger Pie

TOPS Recipe of the Month: Flavorful Portobello Mushrooms

Trivia Question:  

Which of these three nutrients has the most calories per gram:  protein, carbohydrate or fat?
Answer:  Fat.  Fat has 9 calories per gram, while both protein and carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram.

Thank you for visiting.  See you "Lighter".

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