Monday, August 14, 2017

Prayers Go Out To The Tanner Family

Our Hearts and Prayers go out to Claudia Tanner and her family for the loss of her husband.

Barry Tanner        Aug 8, 2017 ()

CASA GRANDE — Barry Dennis Tanner, 73, died on Aug. 5, 2017. He fought a valiant battle with pancreatic cancer and passed peacefully at home, surrounded by loved ones.

Monday, August 7, 2017

August 1st Meeting

Good Morning Everyone!
Hope your weekend was good.  I know a lot of you are on vacation or somewhere out of this heat.

Tuesday, August 8th is our Installation of Officers for this new year.
So, hope you can be there.  I have a fun presentation for you all.

At our August 1st meeting we had 17 present and 1 visitor, Kerin Gordon.
Last weeks Best Loser was Claudia Tanner with a 4 lb loss and our Runner-Up was Ina Johnson with a 1.2 lb loss.  Way to go ladies.....Great job!  Keep it up.
Last weeks totals were:  Losses - 6.4 lbs and Gains - 9.2 lbs for a Net Gain of 2.8 lbs.
Mary Anne Melby was picked for the Sorry Box.  Come back next week Mary Anne with a loss so we can see what's in your bag.
The yes/yes was to Drink a glass of water before each meal for 5 days.  That's hard to do, but it does help so you don't over eat.
La Donna had a Birthday, August 3rd.  Happy Birthday!

Last Month's Biggest Loser was:  Claudia Tanner with a 6.2 lb loss and
Runner - Up was:  LaDonna Sampson with a 6.0 lb loss.  
Great Job!  I'm so proud of you.  I will give out your pins and certificates on Tuesday, August 8th.

Million Pounds Mission

The beginning of this year, Barbara Cady, TOPS President, Gave all TOPS members a challenge - “I challenge each of you to join me this upcoming year in the TOPS Million Pounds Mission. If we all lose just 10 pounds, we’ll get there!” —Barb Cady

We as a group really haven't focused on this challenge and I would like each of the TOPS members of AZ 0069, Casa Grande, AZ work on this mission.  I'm on board to lose 10 lbs by the end of the year.  How about you?  There is still time,  you just have to focus.  We'll have discussions, challenges and games in our upcoming meetings.  

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Catch Up

Well, my computer is back up and running.  I had a computer melt down and had to have my husband, the computer wiz, get it back up and running.

So to do a little catch up.....

March Awards

Biggest Loser - Donna Carrol with a 10 lb loss
Runner Up - Judy Miller with a 7.8 lb loss
Great work!  Keep it up.

Now on to .....

2016 Year Awards

Division 3:  33.4 lb loss  Mary Kamme
Division 3:  22.2 lb loss  Donna Meilke
Division 3:  20.8 lb loss  La Donna Sampson

Division 4:  30.6 lb loss  Frankie Marquart
Division 4:  27 lb loss     Kathy Domke
Division 4:  16.2 lb loss  Val Hardison

Congratulations ladies!  Keep up the good work.

Receiving their KOPS Charm

Susan Lodding
Kay Faulstick
Mary Kramme
Kathy Domke
Val Hardison

Congratulations ladies!  Stay on track.

Royal Court

Alternate - with a 46.25 lb loss Frankie Marquart
Runner Up - with a 47 lb loss  Val Hardison

Drum roll please.......
Our Queen for 2016 is  Kay Faulstick  with a 50.6 lb loss
Congratulations Kay.  You did great.  You're a great inspiration.  Keep up the good work.

Monday, April 10, 2017

April Calendar

0069 Casa Grande, AZ
April 2017
Weight: ________
Program:  Awards  
Weight: ________
Happy Birthday
Pam Wisecup
Call someone and check to see how they are doing.
Remember to drink your water
Weight: ________
Program:   Share Day
Happy Birthday
Elaine Rice
Weight: ________
Notes:  The weather is changing, nice time now to get your walking in.  Let’s try and walk at least 1 day every week, and Keep up with drinking your water.
“A good plan is like a road map: it shows the final destination and usually the best way to get there.”
H. Stanley Judd 


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Today is January 12, 2017 a beautiful day here in Casa Grande.  

I'd like to start out with December's Awards:

Biggest Losers of the month
Phyllis Tipton with a 8.8 lb loss
Runner Up:  Kathy Stiner with a 2.4 lb loss
Great job ladies!  Keep up the good work.


Mary Anne Melby - 3 years

On to New Business

We are in our new location for our meetings.
The United Methodist Church of Casa Grande
1515 North Trekell Rd
Casa Grande, AZ 85122
TOPS meeting time will stay the same,
Tuesday's at 9:00 a.m. for Weigh-ins and
Meeting will start at 10:00 sharp.

It's a wonderful location with plenty of parking and the room is great.  We have tables now that we can sit at and so when we have projects to work on we'll be able to comfortably.

We started our new contest.  It is a point contest.  It runs until January 24th.  So make sure you are doing your exercises, drinking your water, calling a club member, lose weight, and the bonus of losing after the holiday.


Congratulations to Valerie Hardison our Leader.  She has accepted a position as Area Captain.  Val is a great leader.  She has superb enthusiasm and is very uplifting.  I know she will do well in her new position.  She will still be our Leader at #0069, just added responsibilities.  Congratulations and Good Luck Val.

January 14, 2017

We are having a TOPS Workshop in Arizona City at the Central Lutheran Church.  Located at the corner of Sunland Gin Road and Bataglia.  
Time:  9:00 am to approx. 1:00 pm
Val Hardison and Val Kellogg will be conducting this workshop.
Hope all of you can come.  Bring a friend.

Join the Million Pounds Mission for 2017!

“I challenge each of you to join me this upcoming year in the TOPS Million Pounds Mission. If we all lose just 10 pounds, we’ll get there!” —Barb Cady

(Updated January 10, 2017) If every member makes an effort to lose just 10 pounds this year, we'll make it. Be sure to read TOPS President Barb Cady's message, featured in the December/January issue of TOPS News, explaining this inspirational initiative and how you and your chapter can get on board. Look for programs, contests and tips to lose in 2017 here.
10 Easy Ways to Cut and Burn Calories

TOPS 28 day Meal Plan

A Smile from Us to You

Smiling is infectious,
you catch it like the flu,
When someone smiled at me today
  I started smiling too.

I passed around the corner.
And someone saw my grin,
When he smiled I realized,
I'd passed it on to him.

I thought about that smile,
then I realized its worth,
A single smile just like mine,
could travel around the earth.

So, if you feel a smile begin,
Don't leave it undetected.
Let's start an epidemic quick,
and get the world infected.


Have a beautiful day!

Monday, January 2, 2017

December 2016 Newsletter

Today is December 31, 2016, a beautiful day rainy day here in Casa Grande.  Sorry, a little late on getting the awards for last month to you.  Just been a busy month around here.

I'd like to start out with November's Awards:

Biggest Losers of the month
LaDonna Sampson with a 7.2 lb loss
Runner Up:  Marianna Coley with a 3.8 lb loss
Honorable Mention goes to Donna Meilke with a loss of 20 lbs.  Donna has been away for the summer and during that time she was really watching what she was eating and doing water aerobics.
Great job ladies!  Keep up the good work.


Donna Meilke - 14 years
Dee Proff - 9 years
Marianna Coley - 9 years

On to New Business

We have found a new location to have our meetings.  Starting January 3, 2017 our new meeting location will be:
The United Methodist Church of Casa Grande
1515 North Trekell Rd
Casa Grande, AZ 85122
TOPS meeting time will stay the same,  Tuesday's at 9:00 a.m. for weigh-ins and meeting will start at 10:00 sharp.

Also, our Tuesday, January 3rd meeting will be awards and also auction day.  So bring some items that you may have around for our auction.

We started our new contest.  It is a point contest.  It runs until January 24th.  So make sure you are doing your exercises, drinking your water, calling a club member, lose weight, and the bonus of losing after the holiday.
Also, Tuesday is TOPS Bucks award - for losing after a holiday.

TOPS Workshop:

January 14th - The Lutheran Church in Arizona City.

I leave you with this Great Gift Suggestions:

To your enemy - Forgiveness
To an opponent - Tolerance
To a friend - Your Heart
To a customer - Service
To all - Charity
To every child - A Good Example
To yourself - Respect

To all of you I wish you a Great, Wonderful, and Successful New Year.