Monday, November 14, 2016

November 2016 Newsletter

Good Morning
Today is November 15th, a beautiful day here in Casa Grande.  The weather is really nice, it's the mid 80's.  Let's get walking, hiking and some outdoor activities.

I'd like to start out with October's Awards:

Biggest Losers of the month

Judy Miller with a 10.4 lb loss
Mary Kramme with a loss of 3.2 lbs.
Great job ladies!  Keep up the good work.

YoYo Award goes to......

Ina Johnson
Let's do better next month Ina.

9 year Anniversary

Becky Frey

2 year Anniversary

Kay Faulstick

On to New Business

We have received a letter from our landlord's that December 31st is the end of our renting our room at the church.  So we are looking for a new place to hold our meetings.  We have a couple of places that we are looking at but would like to have any other suggestions to consider.  If you have any ideas, please contact myself or Val.  Thanks for your help.

Fall Rally 2016
Hit a Home Run with TOPS

November 5th, 14 of us went to the Fall Rally in Phoenix.  It was a really nice rally.  This was the 3rd rally that I attended and I think this was the nicest. 
Mary Kramme with a 19.2 lb loss (3rd Place) and Frankie Marquart with an 18 lb loss were awarded with Certificates for their weight loss during the Summer Challenge. Congratulations Ladies!
We had 4 ladies who "Achieved My Goal" and are now in KOPS.  They will have their induction ceremony at the 2017 ARD.  
Kathy Domke
Mary Kramme
Frankie Marquart
Valerie Hardison
Congratulations Ladies! They received Certificates and Pins.

Kay Faulstick who also is a KOPS received an award for 12 weigh-ins, staying in leeway and staying in the black during the summer.  Great job Kay!

Below are KOPS goals.  This was taken from the TOPS 2016 Rules

A KOPS® goal must be maintained within the following leeway: three pounds above goal weight through seven pounds below goal weight. Example: A member with goal weight of 135 pounds may not exceed 138 pounds or go lower than 128 pounds. a. If this leeway is exceeded, a two-week grace period is granted. A KOPS® must be back in leeway during this two week grace period. Absences, excused or otherwise, do not change the grace period of two weeks. Failure to record an in leeway weight at the chapter by the second week will result in loss of KOPS® status.

Onto other awards.
Each year Fall Rally has each TOPS chapter pick a "Chapter Angel".  This year the Chapter Angel was recognized as MVP to go with the motto...Hit a Home Run with TOPS.
Our MVP we chose as a chapter was Frankie Marquart.
Frankie has high energy, a great motivator.  She helps with our clubs contests and other functions that we have going at the time.  Frankie is a great asset to our club.  Congratulations Frankie.  Thanks for the hard work.

2016 Christmas Party

This years Christmas party will be held on December 13th.  Judy Miller (that's me. lol) is in charge of the party.  
Ina Johnson is coordinating the food.  Ina will have a sign up sheet for those that are bringing food.  
Debbie Zawada is helping me with games.
Now I just need some volunteers for the decorations.

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