Located at :
Christian Church of Casa Grande
1510 N Casa Grande Ave, Room 3
Casa Grande, AZ 85122-2630
Weigh in Time: 9:00 - 10:00 AM
Meeting Time: 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Email: tops0069@gmail.com
TOPS is an international, nonprofit, noncommercial network of weight loss support groups and wellness education organization. TOPS offers tools and programs for healthy living and weight management with exceptional group fellowship and recognition.
What you'll be seeing on our blog
- What's going on in our chapter
- Contests
- Biggest Losers
- Recipes
- Inspiration
- Tips
- And much more.
So come back weekly to see what's going on in our Casa Grande, AZ chapter of TOPS!
Thanks for visiting.
Thanks for visiting.